Sunday, November 7, 2010

Body Language Workshop

Hey everyone!!

Have you ever had the experiences where your friends misunderstand you due to the nonverbal messages portrayed?

Have you ever wondered the messages behind particular postures and gestures?

There is a Body Language Workshop coming up which may just answer to your questions and doubts!

Please view the details as follow:

Date: 11th November 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Auditorium 3
Admission: FOC (inclusive of refreshments!!)

How to register yourself for such interesting workshop? Simply sign up with your respective class reps latest by 9/11/10 (Tuesday)! =)

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn more!


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cococarnation said...

Hi! I am planning on studying psychology at Sunway unoversity next year! But I'm really confused about the subject requirements to be able to do so! Do I need to have an O level in science or an A level? Please I beg you to help me!:s
I would be very grateful for someone studying or who have studied Psycholoygy at Sunway to tell me what he/she needed too! I saw on the website that an O level is needed but the Malaysian executive director in my country told me that I need an A level! Help please! I never did science but I am willing to sudy an O Level in Biology, but I only have 8 months left to complete a 2_year syllabus! I need to know what to do before I totally invest myself... Before its too late for anything :(

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